Common HTML Codes You May Need

Even if you have no interest in coding, these are some common HTML codes you will most likely need at some point. Please note, these need to be used only in the Text tab of the page or post, not the Visual tab. Copyright symbol ©: & copy; (remove space after...

Why WordPress?

Do you think WordPress is only for small web sites and blogs? Because it’s not. Really, really is NOT. Hi, I’m Deb and today, while I talk about the reasons you will want to use WordPress, I’ve assembled an All Star cast up of awesome websites that...

7 Website Mistakes to Avoid

Fix these website mistakes and your success will increase. Once you know what isn’t working, you can fix it! Mistake #1 – Slow loading pages means that your visitors are going to bolt! They are generally only willing to give you a few seconds (2-3) to...