According to Malcolm Gladwell’s book “Outlier,” it takes 10,000 hours or 10 years of intensive practice to achieve mastery.

What you may not know is that there are opposing opinions on that rule.

Anders Ericsson, Professor of Psychology, Florida State University, suggests, it depends… Not everyone can become a master by practicing their craft for 10,000 hours. The study from which Gladwell got his 10,000 hour rule was originally referred to  “deliberate practice” – meaning working under the guidance of a teacher. And, not just any teacher.

In addition, a great many factors play a role in achieving mastery. 10,000 hours of practice by itself cannot easily equate to what we call mastery.

Learning is learning. Doing is doing. Learning and doing is what it takes to become masterful but I’m sorry to say, it could take much more than 10,000 hours. Then again, it could take less time. Either way, let it go… be as good as you are. Very few are true Masters, especially now, when the landscape of our lives is continually changing faster than dog years. Am I right?

Claiming to be a master isn’t the be all, end all. Besides, not everyone needs (or even wants) to be known as a master. I ask  you, what’s wrong with being really good at what you do? We have education, experience, know how, and want to help others… we’ve come a long way! We know what we know and it’s all so good!

If you have more knowledge than the average person out there in your subject, you are still much needed as a teacher, mentor, coach to help others through the learning curve – which is a wholly valuable asset for anyone who wants to learn about what you know and do.

Go ahead! Teach! Be confident! You can do this.

